Display is a large and still continuously expanding market. Flat-panel display is the dominating segment in the industry which involves the use of active-matrix driving technology. In conventional active matrix displays, thin film transistors (TFTs) are formed by amorphous silicon (a-Si). However, i..... [更多]
Miniaturized microphones are used in a wide range of applications, such as cell phones, hearing aids, smart toys and surveillance devices. It would be desirable to design such microphones and manufacturing methods therefore that allow batch production and allow the integration of the microphone with..... [更多]
A switch capacitor power converter, also known as a charge pump, is a component in the circuit that generates a high voltage using a low input voltage supply that provides power to a load using switches and capacitors. However, existing charge pumps involve too many capacitors and transistors and th..... [更多]
In wireless applications, phase-locked-loop frequency synthesizers require very good phase noise performance in order to obtain a good signal-t-noise ratio for the desired signals even in the presence of very large nearby unwanted signals. Inside frequency synthesizers, thermal noise generated by th..... [更多]
Vehicles and factories produce a lot of air pollutant everyday. Environmental sensors for hazardous substances in the air such volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are gaining its importance in this modern society. In this invention, a series of new linear and cyclic pi-conjugated organic compounds (po..... [更多]
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