In wireless applications, phase-locked-loop frequency synthesizers require very good phase noise performance in order to obtain a good signal-t-noise ratio for the desired signals even in the presence of very large nearby unwanted signals. Inside frequency synthesizers, thermal noise generated by th..... [更多]
The advanced clothing functional design CAD simulation technologies provide a multi-style garment thermal functional design simulation which can estimate the best material and garment requirements needed for environment- / weathered-related situations. It increases efficiency and decreases productio..... [更多]
This invention presents a multi-stage chemical vapor deposition method for producing a stable diamond film electrode coated on titanium substrate. The substrate temperature is programmed at different deposition stages. With this process, a high-quality multi layer structure is produced as the interl..... [更多]
The Free-forming One-way Network (FON) is a system of one-way or single-channel communication network utilizing electromagnetic radiation signals of a fixed single or narrow-band frequency in free air space. It consists of a plurality of transmitters and a central receiver in which each message is ..... [更多]
A RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tag with an electromagnetic band gap substrate is introduced to improve the performance of the RFID tag. The electromagnetic band gap substrate acts as a reflector to reflect electromagnetic wave emitted from RFID antenna. This reflected phase of electromagnet..... [更多]
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