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Single Polarized LCD Consisting of Particular Twist Angle and Thickness-Birefringence Product

A new liquid crystal display (LCD) which eliminates the need for a conventional output polarizer is discovered. The display comprises only a liquid crystal (LC) cell, a single input polarizer, a reflector placed behind the cell, and a retardation film placed between the reflector and the cell. A Jones matrix simulation approach is used in order to obtain the parameters corresponding to solution spaces for the above design. With this new design, no rear polarizer is needed. Instead of a polarizer, a plastic retardation film is placed between the reflector and the cell. This will make reflective efficiency of the light much higher, and hence the display will be much brighter. The cost of retardation films is also significantly lower than that of polarizers.
Technology Benefits
1. Improved light reflection efficiency and brightness
2. Wider viewing angles
3. Higher multiplexing capability
4. Low manufacturing cost
5. No retooling and change of procedure needed for existing LCD assembly lines
Technology Application
- All liquid crystal displays (LCDs)
Supplementary Information
Patent Number: US6091477A
Application Number: US1997826815A
Inventor: Kwok, Hoi Sing | Tang, Shu Tuen
Priority Date: 25 Mar 1997
Priority Number: US6091477A
Application Date: 25 Mar 1997
Publication Date: 18 Jul 2000
IPC Current: G02F0001139
US Class: 349180 | 349096 | 349113 | 349181
Assignee Applicant: The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Title: Single polarized LCD consisting of particular twist angle and thickness-birefringence product
Usefulness: Single polarized LCD consisting of particular twist angle and thickness-birefringence product
Summary: For use in display device of commercial products.
Novelty: Liquid crystal display for use in commercial products, has reflector placed behind cell, and retardation film provided between reflector and liquid crystal cell
Sub Category
Application Date
25 Mar 1997
Application No.
US 08/826815
Patent Information
US 6091477
ID No.
Hong Kong

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