Grows very fast outdoor and to very high densities.No photoinhibitory damages, even at light intensities twice that of full sunlight.Grow very fast under salt concentration as high as 2.5% NaCl.Growth is not perturbed by temperatures up to 45 oC.Photosynthetic organisms, including algae and plants, ..... [更多]
Traditionally, barycentric coordinates are required to satisfy a number of key properties, such as smoothness and positivity. In two-dimensional space, the coordinates are defined based on a closed contour - usually a polygon. Each point in space is assigned a set of real number coordinates such tha..... [更多]
We have invented a novel framework and methods for the optimal selection and placement of anatomical and fiducial landmarks for image-guided neurosurgery. The method computes the rigid registration transformation that minimizes the Target Registration Error, and provides an accurate estimate of the ..... [更多]
Monoclonal antibodies for Isoflavones, leukotrienes, biotin and human and veterinary drugs. May be used for monitoring drug additives in food providing animals for veterinary use and for the food industry. [更多]
The present technology aims to re-vascularize or open an occluded artery in acute stroke and other conditions involved vessels occlusion. The technology apply a micro-catheter, designed to deliver an electrode wired to the clot at the occluded site by applying a positive pulse to the clot and conseq..... [更多]
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机械 食品 生物制品 石油 医药 化学 非金属 设备 新能源 塑料 仪表 仓储业 金属 塑胶 环保 其他制造业 交通运输 综合类 电子 信息技术业 煤气及水的生产和供应业 电力 建筑业 新材料 服装 饮料 渔业