A study by Prof. Karin showing that autoantibodies are produced against several key mediators of the destructive process in inflammatory autoimmunity and cancer, has been the bases for his development of these autoantibodies as both diagnostic biomarkers and predictive biomarkers for assessing clini..... [更多]
The invention addresses a critical stage in the processing of semiconductor devices, offering simple, low cost alternative.The conventional process of creating dopant layers using ion implanters, diffusion and anneal steps is replaced by single high throughput yet low cost process. The new method yi..... [更多]
A monoclonal antibody against GluR3B, a peptide found in epilepsy patients, and especially in patients suffering from intractable, resistant forms of the disease, could be used in diagnosis kits as well as in drug development for this form of "autoimmune epilepsy". [更多]
BBS is a monoclonal antibody that binds specifically and blocks beta-secretase (BACE1) cleavage site on its substrate, APP. BBS inhibits Ab production, a hall-mark of AD and other neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS.The mechanism of action of BBS is based on binding of the antibody at the cell s..... [更多]
The All-optical imaging system allows for real time, on line imaging without having to adjust or align the system. The system’s modified lens provides a high depth of field, namely, an extended region within which the image is kept in focus without the need for an auto focus mechanism or a post-proc..... [更多]
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