Background:Stirling cycle-based cryocoolers employ mechanical compressors activated by inductive electrical motors producing an oscillating pressure in a gas. The main disadvantage of these conventional compressors is their limited lifetime, caused by mechanical friction and wear. Wear products degr.....
Acute liver failure and chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis, present a huge unmet medical need, with annual 1-2 million deaths worldwide. The liver is responsible for detoxification-removing and excreting body wastes and hormones, drugs and foreign substances, synthesis of plasma .....
Spinal cord injuries (SCI) patients are deprived from using their abdominal muscles in order to facilitate an efficient cough and clear their airways. Functional Electric Stimulation (FES) may provide the abdominal contraction that is required; however, in order for such a device to fully substitute.....
Bidirectional Similarity offers a new approach to summarization of visual data (images and video) based on optimization of well defined similarity measure.Common visual summarization methods (mainly scaling and cropping) suffer from significant deficiencies related to image quality and loss of impor.....
All heavy machinery relies on large shafts to convey rotary motion. A small shaft crack, if not detected in time, can cause instability which can render the machine unusable and in rare cases even explode. Current methods for locating faults in turbine shafts and generator rotors require either stop.....
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