BBS is a monoclonal antibody that binds specifically and blocks beta-secretase (BACE1) cleavage site on its substrate, APP. BBS inhibits Ab production, a hall-mark of AD and other neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS.The mechanism of action of BBS is based on binding of the antibody at the cell s..... [更多]
Fast access time is a fundamental requirement while employing flash for system usage. As flash storage capacity doubles every two years, improvements in read speed are required to cope with the growing desired data transfer rates. Flash enhancements have been suggested, such as aggressive scaling, w..... [更多]
179 - Allyl-mercapto-captopril (CPSSA - Captosal)Description: Conjugation between allicin (the biologically active molecule in garlic) and captopril, a known antihypertensive drug. Was shown to offer therapeutic benefits for the treatment of the metabolic syndrome, as demonstrated by various animal ..... [更多]
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设备 新材料 环保 综合类 饮料 煤气及水的生产和供应业 化学 医药 电子 食品 塑胶 信息技术业 石油 交通运输 机械 纺织 其他制造业 渔业 建筑业 塑料 仪表 仓储业 非金属 金属 新能源 生物制品 电力