Additional material on the technology can be supplied upon request [更多]
Monoclonal antibodies for peptide and steroid hormones:Due to their high specificity and sensitivity these antibodies may be applicable for research, diagnosis and therapeutics. A particular use may be quality control of industrial manufacturing of food products.- 275-276 – Monoclonal antibodies to ..... [更多]
In vitro and in vivo animal models for stroke, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and multiple sclerosis (MS). Rapid screening method for selecting candidates with specific insulin-degrading enzyme inhibitor activity in Types I and II Diabetes. http://www.tau.ac.il/lifesci/departments/neuro/members/frenkel/..... [更多]
Female mice are fed with diets rich in specific f.a. (saturated or unsaturated) during pregnancy and/or lactation. The offspring is raised on a regular diet or on a fat rich diet, and develops obesity, fatty liver, and insulin resistance, depending on the diet received in utero. The model allows stu..... [更多]
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