This invention discusses a micro-scale optical device that includes a tunable micro disk resonator possessing a high quality factor. The device comprises of a waveguide and a micro-disk, optically coupled to the waveguide. The high quality factor allows for a single photon to interact several times .....
A rapidly growing section in the pharmaceutical market is searching for drugs that specifically trigger the cell-death-apoptotic process in cancer cells. We are developing therapies based on smart proteins that restore the ability of cancer cells to commit suicide apoptosis). Particularly, we are us.....
An optic holographic technique, used to reduce acoustic energy density on obstacles inside a high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) path. The holograms are generated using a newly developed algorithm, based on the Gerchberg-Saxton (GS) algorithm and fit to the linear acoustical equations used in .....
Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition in which the flow of air pauses or decreases during breathing during sleep. Some people have anatomical differences in the throat area that causes breathing to stop for periods of time (often more than 10 seconds). Sleep apnea sufferers often wake up unrefreshe.....
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