他总是自诩低调,其实却是个极度自恋,张狂的家伙,而且非常自以为是。作为碳烤大虾,他的红色虾壳,的确坚硬无比,刀枪不入。不过他有个致命的弱点,极度惧怕榴莲的味道,这可就糟了。He always praises himself as low-profile, but actually he is extremely narcissistic, and a madcap guy, very self-righteous.Being a Grilled Lobster, his red shell is very hard and achillean. But he has a fatal weakn.....
这个小姑娘总是粗枝大叶的,爱开玩笑,爱恶作剧,说真的有点调皮捣蛋,年纪幼小让她习惯以自己的喜好做事,不分场合,不分轻重做事总会惹来不大不小的麻烦。但是她又太可爱了,没人能长久对她生气。Roli--careless,active and love to play tricks on others, it’s totally a trouble maker. She is so young that she never think about others, but she is so cute that no one will be angry with her so long.
他的两颗门牙是大龅牙。非常自恋,时常拿着镜子照“啊,我又变帅了”“哎呀呀,这牙齿”,然后拿牙刷出来刷牙。哪怕是要让冲锋了,他还得先刷两下才上。因为觉得自己是海盗里最帅的,他老认为自己才应该当头儿,阳奉阴违,所以老挨塔么于打。He got his name for his front tooth. He is narcissistic and often looks himself into the mirror, saying "oh, I become more and more handsome" or "wow, look at my tooth!", then begins brush.....
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