Created by Syncircle Design Co in 2012 with the illustration - Zu & Pi. Pi comes from P5703, a planet which is full of fruit of time. Pi wishes to restore the pace of life amongst the people on the blue planet by bringing them the fruit of time. During the journey, Pi meets Zu and they take an adven..... [更多]
寿司冷食坚韧的特点让他异常冷静敏锐。任何时候他都能保持心无杂念,一切以完成任务为准则,是个绝佳的行动执行者。但是他也有自己的问题,武藏有强迫症倾向,他太有条理,不能容忍任何杂乱的东西,过于拘泥步骤套路,让他有时候显得迂腐的可笑. Sushi--his great tenacity make him imperturbable and sharp. He is a good mission executor, he can always keep calm. But he has obsessive compulsive disorder, he is so methodical that he..... [更多]
正如一碗好面条该要筋道一样,巧巧个性是属于强悍一类的。她的能力同样十分杰出,表面凶凶的,事实关心每个队员。只是她过于傲慢和武断,爱将自己的想法强加于别人,但是她的决定并不一定都是正确的,有时独断专行很容易会将团体带入困境。"Mighty". She is undoubtedly powerful, in both kungfu and personality. She considers herself as leader, and strongly pushes everyone forward. But she is arrogance、subjectivism and arbitrari..... [更多]
由于一次战斗中脑袋受伤,导致他间歇性失忆。他老忘事,除了老大谁也不记得,哪怕冲锋到一半也会问对手“你也是海盗吗?”但因为他是海盗里唯一识字的,所以海盗们又离不开他。每次奉承塔么于都说些不合时宜的话。His head was hit in a battle and cause he always temporarily lose his memory. He always forgets things. He cannot remember anyone except his boss. Even fighting, he would ask his enemy, "are you pirate..... [更多]
作为一个包子,他一直保持着刚出炉的热血,他闲不住,喜好武术,自创武功是他最大的爱好。他是个热心肠,爱打抱不平,总是无所畏惧,但是鲁莽是他的弱点,他的行动总比脑子快,常常因此给其他人惹来麻烦,但是团队陷入困境时,他的误打误撞又时常带来意外转机。Super Bao--an ardent youth who always keep his nature, active, Kung fu lover, like to create Kungfu Moves. He is always warmhearted、justice、dauntless. His behavior is always faste..... [更多]
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