作为一个干硬的烤面饼,他的确很踏实,厚重,而且够勤奋细心,是一位不可多得的后勤部长,使得船得到很好的维护保养;有时能观察到关键问题;战斗时是绝佳的防守专家是太羞于表达,过于为别人着想,太过顺从别人的意见,不能坚持自己的想法,往往被人忽略。 (Kui--hard and dry toast. A dependable,steady, hardworking and attentive crew. He is responsible for the ship fixing and maintaining; he observed keenly but not good at expression,..... [更多]
About love yourself: In the aesthetic standards nowadays, maybe we are not pretty enough. But our magic can make you understand no matter you are fat or thin, good looking or not, it shape you. When you can appreciate yourself, you will be happy. [更多]
他是一只馒头,可能实心馒头的原因,他是个死心眼,比较单纯,执着,不过因其单纯,他和谁都能合得来;由于执着,他总能用自己的坚持和行动推动团队成员的前进,成为最后解决危机的精神上的保证。Forsea--just like his nature, he is simple,stubborn and easy-going; because of persistent, he can always push his teammates forward, and solve the crisis. [更多]
一头红色鱼鳍。擅使一把豆角刀,刀中藏有暗器,一拍刀身,里面豆子暗器飞出伤人。性格暴躁易怒,喜出风头,有事就将手下往上顶,爱骂手下,动不动就说“我拔光你的鱼鳍”。不服输,常常自作聪明,弄巧成拙。他的口头禅:所有失败的耻辱都已抛入历史的泥沼,因为我们的矢志不渝,我们悲剧海盗团,终于成功抢劫一回了。He has red fin, and uses a bean blade, which has concealed weapon inside. When hitting the blade, the beans inside would fly out to hurt people.He is irr..... [更多]
他是对眼,所以视力极差,老是看重影。常会闹“头儿,对面来了两条船”(当然只有一艘)的笑话。还老是认错人,比如对着桅杆点头哈腰“是,是头儿”。极为忠心,时常想着要保护头儿,可是因为认错人,没一次保护对的。He is cross-eyed and weak-eyed, looks everything as double image. He always makes jokes like "boss, there are two ships coming"--of cause there is only one. And he always mistakes people, like saying..... [更多]
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