Optimal growth and metabolic activities of Lactic Acid Bacterial (LAB) starters are critical for assuring high-quality fermentation in the manufacturing process of numerous dairy products. Despite extensive efforts, phage infection of starter cultures for dairy processing remains the most common cau..... [更多]
VoIP systems, a standard in modern communication, are troubled by unreliability in the communication channel such as the internet. Data losses are frequent and can render audio signals incoherent. Current methods for filling in missing parts rely on plain interpolation and insertion of noise. More a..... [更多]
A test method based on a genetic polymorphism in the Haptoglobin gene identifies those individuals with Diabetes who are at high risk for developing heart, eye and kidney disease and who benefit from specific drug treatments, has been validated in multiple clinical trials worldwide. Diabetes is one..... [更多]
Novel approach for the treatment of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. The technology addresses unmet medical need in the field of CMV management. The use of currently available anti-CMV drugs is limited due to toxicity, low oral bioavailability and drug resistance.We have a pre- clinical proof of co..... [更多]
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