Metal-oxide material generates electromechanical stress an order of magnitude above existing materials.The ability to develop a mechanical stress in response to the application of an external electric field has many uses, and characteristic materials are classified as either piezoelectric or electro..... [更多]
Female mice are fed with diets rich in specific f.a. (saturated or unsaturated) during pregnancy and/or lactation. The offspring is raised on a regular diet or on a fat rich diet, and develops obesity, fatty liver, and insulin resistance, depending on the diet received in utero. The model allows stu..... [更多]
Lifegraph enables early detection of disease deterioration in mental health patients,using proprietary machine-learning algorithms applied to data collected from thesmartphone sensors.Improving lives of patients with mental disorders and decreasing the burden of disease on patients,their families an..... [更多]
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