Grows very fast outdoor and to very high densities.No photoinhibitory damages, even at light intensities twice that of full sunlight.Grow very fast under salt concentration as high as 2.5% NaCl.Growth is not perturbed by temperatures up to 45 oC.Photosynthetic organisms, including algae and plants, ..... [更多]
The present invention relates to a device and method for fast retinal imaging and extraction of medical parameters from these retinal images.One of the main difficulties in ophthalmology is the lack of a good tomographic device which will give an instant picture of large parts of the retina and prov..... [更多]
Image upscaling, or enlargement of image size, results in blurring of edges and loss of image qualityAlthough digital cameras produce high-resolution images, there still exist huge numbers of low resolution images as well as low-grade sensors found in mobile devices and surveillance systems that pro..... [更多]
About 15% of couples trying to conceive are facing difficulties.Female tubal factors are by far the largest group causing 25-35% of all infertility cases, thus 2/3 of all non conceiving couples will undergo an investigation that includes tubal imaging, 10% of whom will be candidates for tubal recana..... [更多]
Despite their widespread use and application, the preparation of tailor-made ligand complexes with existing technology is laborious and does not allow for rapid, simple synthesis. These methods are unable to allow monomeric counterparts to be selectively coupled to form a pincer-type ligand frame wh..... [更多]
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医药 电子 新材料 非金属 生物制品 信息技术业 饮料 渔业 仓储业 煤气及水的生产和供应业 综合类 电力 仪表 设备 机械 服装 石油 塑料 食品 金属 其他制造业 塑胶 建筑业 交通运输 环保 新能源 化学