A test method based on a genetic polymorphism in the Haptoglobin gene identifies those individuals with Diabetes who are at high risk for developing heart, eye and kidney disease and who benefit from specific drug treatments, has been validated in multiple clinical trials worldwide. Diabetes is one..... [更多]
Novel genetically modified crops resistant to environmental friendly herbicides.Weeds are considered to be one of the major causes for crop losses by farmers. It is estimated that weeds cause an overall 12% reduction in crop yields or $33 billion in lost crop annually. With the advent of biotechnolo..... [更多]
Novel genetically modified crops resistant to environmental friendly herbicides.Weeds are considered to be one of the major causes for crop losses by farmers. It is estimated that weeds cause an overall 12% reduction in crop yields or $33 billion in lost crop annually. With the advent of biotechnolo..... [更多]
We have invented a novel framework and methods for the optimal selection and placement of anatomical and fiducial landmarks for image-guided neurosurgery. The method computes the rigid registration transformation that minimizes the Target Registration Error, and provides an accurate estimate of the ..... [更多]
We have invented a novel framework and methods for the optimal selection and placement of anatomical and fiducial landmarks for image-guided neurosurgery. The method computes the rigid registration transformation that minimizes the Target Registration Error, and provides an accurate estimate of the ..... [更多]
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