The Technology:A new equalizer for Intersymbol Interference (ISI) communication channels with single carrier transmission. This equalizer, termed "Integer-Forcing" equalizer, allows to simply and effectively combine decision feedback equalization (DFE) with channel coding (error correcting codes). T..... [更多]
The Technology:A new equalizer for Intersymbol Interference (ISI) communication channels with single carrier transmission. This equalizer, termed "Integer-Forcing" equalizer, allows to simply and effectively combine decision feedback equalization (DFE) with channel coding (error correcting codes). T..... [更多]
A test method based on a genetic polymorphism in the Haptoglobin gene identifies those individuals with Diabetes who are at high risk for developing heart, eye and kidney disease and who benefit from specific drug treatments, has been validated in multiple clinical trials worldwide. Diabetes is one..... [更多]
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