A kit which greatly shortens time and improves accuracy required to diagnose blood coagulation problems, and improves the design of personalized treatment regimen, is being developed by Prof. Brenner and Dr. Aharon and clinically tested and the Rambam Medical center Hypercoagulation is a term used t..... [更多]
A kit which greatly shortens time and improves accuracy required to diagnose blood coagulation problems, and improves the design of personalized treatment regimen, is being developed by Prof. Brenner and Dr. Aharon and clinically tested and the Rambam Medical center Hypercoagulation is a term used t..... [更多]
The Technology:A bacterial cloning and expression system for heterogeneous membrane protein expression (mammalian, bacterial) has been developed. It yields significantly higher expression of heterogeneous membrane proteins in bacterial cells, hence facilitating proteins research and crystallization..... [更多]
The Technology:A bacterial cloning and expression system for heterogeneous membrane protein expression (mammalian, bacterial) has been developed. It yields significantly higher expression of heterogeneous membrane proteins in bacterial cells, hence facilitating proteins research and crystallization..... [更多]
A subchondral defect is usually characterized by a structural breakdown of the articular cartilage and the bone underneath due to trauma or disease, leading to chronic disabilities. Treating such defects is an important medical target since in the adult patient, damaged cartilage cannot spontaneousl..... [更多]
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仓储业 化学 生物制品 其他制造业 煤气及水的生产和供应业 服装 交通运输 综合类 机械 金属 食品 新材料 医药 建筑业 仪表 塑料 设备 石油 电力 饮料 渔业 新能源 非金属 信息技术业 电子 塑胶 环保