An efficient method to reduce CO2 concentration. Climate change is one of the most urgent subjects worldwide, with implications affecting the entire population of the planet. One of the major aspects influencing global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Most of the greenh..... [更多]
An efficient method to reduce CO2 concentration. Climate change is one of the most urgent subjects worldwide, with implications affecting the entire population of the planet. One of the major aspects influencing global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Most of the greenh..... [更多]
Chip power reduction has become extremely important recently especially in the fields of cellular phones. This invention involves the design of the adder for simplification of circuit design and subsequent power reduction. [更多]
Chip power reduction has become extremely important recently especially in the fields of cellular phones. This invention involves the design of the adder for simplification of circuit design and subsequent power reduction. [更多]
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