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Let a curious, wily fox and his bungling kitty friend take your children on a wild adventure into the strange and wondrous world around them! Curiosity leads our heroes to witness the marvels of the world around them, such as the femme fatale mantis, the “maternal” male seahorse, and the walking sti..... [Detail]
Fong was in his early twenties, a typical rich delinquent, hanging around with triad members all day long. One day, Fong and his friend lost all their money in the casino. To bail themselves out from the gambling debts, Fong decided to break into his guardian’s house to steal. When Fong and his acco..... [Detail]
Designed for kids from 4 to 10, Power Panda Posse is an action-adventure series centered on a lovable adopted panda yearning to discover the long-kept secret of his origins. To this end, he embarks upon an adventure-filled odyssey with a rag-tag assortment of animal cohorts, and together they blaze ..... [Detail]
重案組「破案之神」莊士敦 (劉德華飾) 四年前意外失明,離職後以偵查懸賞舊案拿花紅為生。他耗時九個月鎖定「旺角腐蝕性液體傷害案」嫌疑犯,豈料行動中身陷險境,幸得身手了得的女警何家彤 (鄭秀文飾) 及時相救,成功脫險。彤對莊出神入化的查案手法一見難忘,二人開始合作查案,彤更拜託莊為她尋找已失蹤十多年的學妹小敏。莊運用奇特的「瞎想」,找出兩名嫌疑犯,其中一人是當年彤的鄰居祖,懷疑他為情殺害了小敏;另一人是懷疑與十多年前多宗女性失蹤案有關的連環殺手。線索一一浮現,然而就在莊與彤全力追查之際,案情急轉直下,使二人身陷絕境,真相更是出乎意料… [Detail]
陳永勝(張建聲 飾)、葉禮信(陳奐仁 飾)和馬偉雄(沈震軒 飾)三人為都市中的營營役役的男人標本。一個沈醉於霧水情緣不能自拔,一個情傷失意後鬱鬱不得志,一個則為小男人女友面前永冇SAY。原本三條平行線各不相干,一個追悼會把三人連到一起,原來三人同是為情自殺的黃真真的前男友。三人在追悼會上惺惺相惜,事後相約去喝酒解心頭之悶,酒過三巡,三人娓娓道來感情上的若有所失。 [Detail]
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