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In the depth of a forest that seems so peaceful and quiet two animals are lurking. "Watching out the bears!!!" thus cries the whacked and terrified woodman after taking numerous defeats.Set in an untouched forest, Boonie Bears tells a story of two brave and mighty bears who try to protect their home..... [Detail]
百星酒店是一所位於著名旅遊勝地杭州千島湖的五星級豪華酒店。由於服務人手短缺,集團只好將一班四星級酒店的員工全數調職百星酒店工作,這群員工的核心包括了日夜盼望升為大堂經理的副經理包定(鄭中基飾演);覺得自己是明星胚子的餐飲主管兼酒保彭俊(杜汶澤飾演);對房間整理嚴格得接近病態的房務總管桃姐(吳君如飾演);一心希望嫁個有錢人的前台Sammy(盛君飾演)。 根據可靠消息,專門為酒店評級的神秘評級員,很快就會到百星酒店明查暗訪,假若員工水準不達標,百星酒店將會由五星降級到四星。集團有見及此,遂空降了炒人不貶眼的古黛(毛舜筠飾演)到百星酒店當經理,重新整頓酒店的人事及架構。 為了提高酒店知名度,古黛決意..... [Detail]
Fong was in his early twenties, a typical rich delinquent, hanging around with triad members all day long. One day, Fong and his friend lost all their money in the casino. To bail themselves out from the gambling debts, Fong decided to break into his guardian’s house to steal. When Fong and his acco..... [Detail]
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