中藥的歷史悠久,療效顯著,副作用相比於西藥少。近年, 西方國家亦漸漸趨向中醫藥的研究。然而由於中藥材在市場上存在品質問題,此對中醫藥的信譽、療效和人們的生命健康帶來了不良的後果。因此,中藥材的品質鑒定在中藥療效、安全及發展中扮演極其重要的角色。目前,中藥材的鑒別主要依賴觀察者的經驗或理化方式。前者方法誤差機率大; 後者方法相當複雜、費時、成本高,並且重複性低。本發明可通過紅外光譜,鑒定中藥材的品質、成分的比例、來源地及生長方式。 [更多]
A method of gait measurement using tri-axial accelerometer/gyro in mobile devices. In particular, the present invention relates to a method of gait measurement using tri-axial accelerometer/gyro in mobile devices for monitoring and improving the physical movement of a moving subject. [更多]
The present invention relations to a system and method for providing proximity information, and particularly, although not exclusively, to a system and method for providing proximity information to users in mobile geo-social networks. [更多]
The present invention relates to a quality control marker and method of using such marker in qualitative and quantitative authentication of herbal materials, in particular but not limited to Dendrobium species. More particularly, the present invention relates to a chemical marker and its use in qui..... [更多]
this invention relates to a novel extract of Garcinia esculenta were found to show cytotoxicity against human cancer cells [更多]
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