Methods of preparing quinoline derivative compounds, and administering such compounds in the treatment of solid and non-solid tumors, notably on liver cancer. [更多]
A three-dimensional affine transformation method employs ALBTM (a three-dimensional affine model based on line feature) to express the relationship between two-dimensional space and three-dimensional space, and the specific mathematical expression of ALBTM is Sax=C1AX+C2AY+C3AZ, Say=C5AX+C6AY+C7AZ, ..... [更多]
Tags: sensor
The invention relates to a surface hydrophilic nanometer finishing method of a keratin porosint, which can fix nanometer materials on various fabrics through soaking-rolling-baking, increase the hydrophilicity and comfortableness of fabrics and wool fabrics in particular, and is in accordance with t..... [更多]
For the treatment of fabric or fibers suspended in distilled water solution from 0.1 to 10% of the natural fiber material. Fabric or fibers wetted with the solution 1 to 60 minutes. After wetting the fabric or fibers at a temperature of 80 ~ 160 ℃ dried for 1 to 10 minutes. [更多]
本发明提出了一种用于薄片型柔性体表面三维重建的系统和方法。该系统包括一背景光源,用于发出均匀且具有一定亮度的后向漫反射光;一试样夹持装置,其上夹持有待三维重建的一试样,该试样夹持装置具有一顶点,所述试样在该顶点处弯折;一图像采集装置,用于采集所述试样在所述顶点处的侧面投影图像;一试样驱动装置,其驱动夹持在所述试样夹持装置上的所述试样均匀地通过所述顶点;一计算机,其控制该试样驱动装置动作,同时接收该图像采集装置采集到的所述试样的侧面投影图像的序列,对所述图像序列进行处理和分析,提取每一帧图像的侧面投影高度信息,并按照采集顺序拼接得到所述试样表面的三维立体图像。 [更多]
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