Beauty and action hot enough to hurtBao co-founds a boxing gym with her intimate friend TT. But their friendship is broken over a boyfriend. Bao invites Miu to be the real precedent of “Girl Boxing Company”. They intend to attract male customers with their beauty. TT with grudge comes back and makes..... [更多]
香港,國際繁華大都市,夜夜燈光照全城;為了讓這城繼續閃耀下去的,有許多無名英雄,其中一群,是他們———龍鼓灘消防分局的一班消防員。曾經同期出消防訓練班,誓言有福同享有難同當的三兄弟,何永森(謝霆鋒飾)、游邦潮(余文樂飾演)、葉志輝(安志杰飾),因數年前一宗失職聆訊,潮替二人揹起一切責任,三人心中各有說不開的糾結。2013年12月24日,本是萬世歡騰的平安夜,卻是不平凡的一夜。城中氣溫反常,天文台更預告可能首次有颱風吹襲。血肉之軀面對天災同時,潮卻對森不再信任,質疑他為保前途不敢再搏,分明為前途刻意讓葉出事;二人誓成水火,分頭行動。森望著颱風,終於決定放手一搏,竟然以消防車撞出發電廠缺口。可是爆..... [更多]
由楊采妮首次執導,徐克、張之亮監製的《聖誕玫瑰》(Christmas Rose),是一部充滿懸念的話題電影。故事講述一名身患殘疾的鋼琴老師,在一次身體檢查中受到性侵犯,醫生被帶到法庭,他自稱清白,充滿正義感的新晉檢察官為弱女出頭,力拼辭鋒銳利的辯護律師,掀起了一場人性與正義相互角力的羅生門。影片由郭富城、桂綸鎂、夏雨、張震、廖啓智、夏文汐、秦海璐等傾力演出,劇情引人入勝,楊采妮首次自編自導,強大的幕後陣容,包括監製徐克及張之亮,還有夏永康擔任美術,金培達負責音樂,絕對萬眾期待。 [更多]
The Bear Brothers and Logger Vick are shocked to discover a tiny baby girl in the deep forest. In order to care for her, these long-time enemies must establish a truce. Yet as they undergo a crash-course in infant care, some nefarious scoundrels are hot on the trail of this Mystery Baby, and will st..... [更多]
Han Wei's husband, coalminer Liu Zi Gang, died protecting her during a 7.8 Richter Scale earthquake that killed 240,000 in Tangshan, China, on July 28, 1976. His buddy, Ding Yi, who took the night shift for him on that day so that he could take care of his pregnant wife, remained alive under coalmin..... [更多]
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