A storm is heading to the city of Hong Kong, and with it comes another occurrence so destructive, it vows to bring down everything it touches. A crew of seasoned criminals led by the notorious Nam (Hu Jun), armed with high-powered weapons, pulls off another smooth and violent armored car heist in br..... [更多]
「我想不懂……為什麼一睜開眼你就不是我的了?」謝宇(張孝全 飾)與何蔓(白百何 飾)是廣告公司的金童玉女,在婚後仍處於熱戀狀態,但一天何蔓一覺醒來,竟然被告知她與謝宇五年前已經離婚了。原來何蔓因一次意外陷入昏迷,醒來後失去了五年的記憶。但她永遠都想不懂,為何在她記憶中,昨天她和他明明還幸福地渡蜜月,但現在一睜開眼,她愛的人已經不再屬於她了。面對已有新女友的謝宇,何蔓無所適從,她想知道這五年裏究竟發生了甚麼事令他們離婚收場?為什麼曾是枕邊人的謝宇現在與她形同陌路人?為什麼她會和最要好的朋友反目成仇?又為什麼公司的同事們見她回來都敬而遠之?謝宇答應幫她尋回記憶,往事一幕幕翻開,是甚麼偷走了她愛情的..... [更多]
After being in a coma for a month, He Man (Bai Baihe) wakes up in hospital with amnesia. The last thing she can remember is having an accident on a motorbike with her husband Xie Yu (Joseph Chiang) while on their honeymoon - but that was five years ago, and He Man is told that she and Xie Yu are now..... [更多]
警隊精英呂明哲 (劉德華 飾) 為逮捕犯罪團夥頭目曹楠 (胡軍 飾) 處心積慮且不擇手段,幾欲到手之際竟被兒時好友、慣犯陶成邦 (林家棟 飾) 攪局。陶為贏回對其品行徹底失望的女友燕冰 (姚晨 飾),求呂為其過往捏造臥底身份,並助其破案,最後甚至不惜出賣同夥。風暴過後,二人卻驚覺更陷渾沌… [更多]
Chong used to be a highly gifted detective in the police force but was forced to retire early after getting blind accidentally during an action a few years ago. Since then he works as a private eye on cold cases and earns rewards to make a living. Tung is an up-and-coming hit team detective harborin..... [更多]
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