Automatic disinfection of hypothermia devices. With ozone, O3Desi reaches a germ count in the water cycle of any hypothermia device that even meets the requirements of the German Drinking Water Ordinance. Before the sterilized water is returned to the hypothermia device, O3Desi completely dissipates..... [更多]
Use of exosomes in the prevention and therapy of diseases associated with acute inflammatory processes. [更多]
Novel Ahp-cyclodepsipeptide-based HTRA inhibitors for the treatment of macular degeneration (HTRA1) or cell death in reperfusion-ischemia (HTRA2). [更多]
OPoLiCom is a system that continously monitors the input impedance over the frequency. By using OFDM with strong channel coding, the lack of a part of the transmission frequencies can be compensated without information of the reciever. [更多]
HISEC-GKM enables secure use of public networks. Also, a transfer of group hierarchies by a specific combination of the different methods is possible. [更多]
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