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dualMode-Radio transmission technology with two free space modes

The dualmode-radio uses two free space modes for the transmission of signals at the same frequency. The transmitter signal provides not only the useful signal but also an orthogonal signal for demodulation. This eleminates the need for the local oscillator in the reciever, which means significant savings in the components.
Technology Benefits
Simple design, reduced number
of devices
Reduced power consumption
Low requirements to sender
Applicable to the most
modulation schemes
Simple application
Up to the high GHz-range
Insensible to Doppler-effect
Technology Application
dualMode-Radio is a simple and cost saving alternative to established transmission techniques. An interesting field of application is short range transmission like car-to-car communication, RFID-technology or chip-to-chip communication to replace connections by wire.
Detailed Technology Description
dualMode-Radio exploits two free space modes of the same frequency for transmission. In addition to the wanted signal the emitter provides a signal at the same frequency for the demodulation, which is orthogonal to the wanted signal. Thus there is no need for a local oscillator or a synthesizer in the receiver, which means significant reduction in the number of electronic devices.
Type of Cooperation
Application Date
05/12/2006 00:00:00
Application No.
DE20051061219 20051220
- international:
H04B1/04; H04B7/00
- cooperative:
H04B7/10; H04B7/08
Patent application
ID No.

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Mobile Device