Raman scattering is the inelastic scattering of photons, and the device described here aims to provide a substrate for Raman scattering detection. The substrate comprises various nanostructures, and metal nanoparticles are arranged on top of the nanostructures. The arrangement of nanoparticles on a ..... [更多]
The relational database and the XML markup language are the core technologies for enabling data exchange while preserving data persistence, but no complete solution for bridging the two exists as yet. Enterprises currently need to develop software specifically for interfacing these two key technolog..... [更多]
The introduction of T5 (High-efficiency) and T5 (High-output) fluorescent lamps has increased the types of commonly used tubular fluorescent lamps from 9 to 18. Since each type of lamp must be powered by a specific ballast design, ballast manufacturers have to design 18 types of ballasts to cover th..... [更多]
Residual or waste organic materials are valuable sources of feedstocks for bioenergy production. In Asian countries, food waste is a serious problem but if the appropriate technology is applied, we can turn these waste products into energy and this can help to minimize the environmental impact of an..... [更多]
Reducing the size and weight of electrical / electronic equipment often gives rise to parasitic effects such as ringing and resonance, which are particularly disrupting to high-frequency circuits or systems. To address that problem, CityU researchers have developed a device capable of improving the ..... [更多]
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