The material exhibits extraordinary heat-insulating and load- carrying properties. It combines conventional inorganic building material like compressive strength and the ability to be poured into all kind of durable moulds with the advantage of being heat- insulating. The superlight and superinsulat..... [更多]
Material system for increasing the safety of U-locks and lock boxes with highly wear-resistant metallic or metal-ceramic materials. This hinder the with the s.g. Hardpaint mixture filled longitudinal groove in the hanger sawing, drilling, or cutting. [更多]
Tags: safety
An efficient manufacturing process or fluorinated cyclohexane derivatives and related heterocycles [更多]
Reprogramming of somatic cells to neural stem cells provides a method to generate personalized stem cells with low cancer risk. [更多]
The invention describes a preparation as electrolyte for LiTFSi-containing lithium batteries. It contains cyclopentane carbonitrile and methoxyprionitrile as its main constituent and prevents corrosion on aluminum current conductors. [更多]
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