Follow-up circuits or track-and-hold (TH) circuits, along with analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), are the link from the analog to the digital world. One way to improve the TH's properties is through optical triggering. Opto-THC can be used in many areas of communication technology, sensor technolo..... [更多]
The invention describes a preparation as electrolyte for LiTFSi-containing lithium batteries. [更多]
Process for the formation of bi- or multi-axially oriented polymer structures. This allows a thick-independent homogeneous biaxial orientation us thus a significant biaxial mechanical reinforcement of polymers, such as isotactic polypropylene (iPP). Possible applications are heavy-duty lightweight p..... [更多]
OPoLiCom is a system that continously monitors the input impedance over the frequency. By using OFDM with strong channel coding, the lack of a part of the transmission frequencies can be compensated without information of the reciever. [更多]
Process for the formation of bi- or multi-axially oriented polymer structures. This allows a thick-independent homogeneous biaxial orientation us thus a significant biaxial mechanical reinforcement of polymers, such as isotactic polypropylene (iPP). Possible applications are heavy-duty lightweight p..... [更多]
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