A two dimensional optical waveguide with very lowattenuation. Incident light can be collected over the whole surface and propagate along the plane. can be used for a new type of display. Complete usage of light according to disturbution all over the waveguide and released only where its needed. [更多]
The invention "extruder for the production of non-porous profiles from chips and scrap" relates to a device for producing aluminum profiles from chips. The invention "Property Graded Extrusions" relates to a process for producing extruded profiles from aluminum turnings. [更多]
Diabrux is worn by the patient like a night splint. The device is based on a hard plate, which is covered by five specifically linked layers with different colours and defined abrasion properties. A fully automated evaluation software is provided for standardized, objective, quantitative analysis. [更多]
A method (and a corresponding device) for the production of profiles which have symmetrical and asymmetrical cross sections which vary along their longitudinal axis. [更多]
The invention consists of a glass cell characterized by an outstanding value of birefringence (around 10–8) with an extensive optical access due to its dodecagonal shape. [更多]
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