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基於光電容積描記法的血壓測量可以對動 脈血壓進行連續長時間的無袖帶、非侵入式測量。但是,當該方法應用於肢體末端, 如指尖時,末端溫度低於正常溫度值會引起一定的測量誤差。當溫度過低時,溫度對 測量的準確性可能會造成很大的影響。本發明提供了一種方法,可以對溫度變化對血 壓測量造成的誤差進行補償,從而實現溫度補償的自動校正。利用光電容積描記信號 本身特徵隨溫度變化的規律來表徵溫度變化情況,該方法可以補償溫度對由光電 容積描記法測量的血壓結果的影響, 而無需增加其他的溫度感測器。 [更多]
Based on research work and patents, the phenomenon of surface Plasmon resonance (SPR) has been applied in optical sensors, especially as a measurement tool for bio-molecular interaction, without the need to label the molecules with techniques such as fluorescence. In contract, the conventional opti..... [更多]
The present invention is to provide a phase-sensitive SPR device that offers wide dynamic range and high detection resolution as compared to the previous reported approaches. However the drawback is in its relatively low dynamic range compared with the traditional angular-based SPR technique. The ne..... [更多]
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