Detection of object stiffnessNo need for cameraNo constraints on the type of object contactNo restriction on the movement pattern of the whisker [更多]
This technology allows for localization of a photographed subject from an image of its photograph taken anywhere in the world. [更多]
Researchers at Purdue University have developed a novel, 3-D simulation technology, called Batts3D, which can directly predict the performance, response, and reliability of battery materials. By using real or computer generated microstructures (architectures, geometries, and topologies), this techno..... [更多]
Title: Endoscopic Surgery Simulation System Using Virtual Reality Invention: This invention provides medical students and professionals the ability to practice surgical techniques in virtual reality with true hepatic feedback. This technology is currently designed for otolaryngology procedures where..... [更多]
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设备 石油 渔业 仪表 交通运输 医药 电子 纺织 非金属 新材料 电力 塑料 仓储业 金属 环保 机械 建筑业 塑胶 食品 化学 饮料 煤气及水的生产和供应业 综合类 其他制造业 生物制品 信息技术业 新能源