Accuratelymonitors thermal distribution across microchip within 1°C accuracyIntegratesdirectly into microchipRequiresminimal changes to silicon layoutMaintainsaccuracy after microchip process and temperature variationsRequiresminimal space for thermal sensingMinimizessupport circuitryEliminatesneed ..... [更多]
Provided are a judging device capable of judgingthe quality of a fuel reliably at a low cost, and a judging method therefor. The device comprisesa combustion chamber for burning the fuel injected from an injection nozzle, temperature adjusting means for adjusting the temperature in the combustion ch..... [更多]
• Corticospinal and spinal motor neurons can be visualized and studied in the same mouse model • This reporter line could be used to generate disease models to study motor neuron degeneration • Pure motor neuron cultures can be established and compounds efficacy can be tested [更多]
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