A process for efficient and low-cost production of bio-plastics from jellyfish. This is done by crosslinkingthe active components in the jellyfish and optimization of the ratio between the activecomponents in the material (Mucins, Collagens) in order to control the mechanical properties of theresult..... [更多]
Textiles that have been modified by integrating peptide nanostructures show remarkable properties. These include the physical and chemical properties of the fabric, such as strength and fire-resistance, as well as much more advanced properties including enzymatic activities such as self-cleaning an..... [更多]
The present invention provides a unique 3D pancreatic-like model for co-culture of isolated pancreatic islets with endothelial cells on a PLLA/PLGA biodegradable polymeric scaffold. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is a chronic inflammatory disease in which there is autoimmune-mediated org..... [更多]
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major cause of chronic liver disease and has become a global health threat. No HCV vaccine is currently available and treatment with antiviral therapy is associated with adverse side effects. Moreover, there is no preventive therapy for recurrent hepatitis C po..... [更多]
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