This technology comprises a set of modular software tools and methodologies for network topological design and visualization. The Topological Design Tool (TDT) is a custom-build Java application intended to prepare, process and import existing geographical data, or simulates such data, and deal with..... [更多]
Advantages:Simultaneously measure all human MT isoforms, with sensitivity to detect single amino acid differencesQuantify relative or absolute levels of all MT isoforms by Mass Spec, including post-translational modificationsUse for research, diagnosis/prognosis of cancers, and monitoring heavy meta..... [更多]
The inventors have developed a sensitive handheld device which can detect TMA vapors at concentrations well below the diagnostically significant concentration of TMA. [更多]
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综合类 仓储业 机械 建筑业 石油 交通运输 化学 非金属 电力 其他制造业 煤气及水的生产和供应业 服装 金属 医药 环保 塑胶 仪表 信息技术业 渔业 塑料 新能源 食品 新材料 生物制品 饮料 设备 电子