The invention relates to a patch antenna with a very wide bandwidth, and which is specially designed for mobile vehicle communication. The antenna is made up of a power feeder and a folding component. With a bandwidth covering 1.78 GHz to 3.6 GHz, the antenna can support 2G, 3G, wireless LAN, Blueto..... [更多]
他是对眼,所以视力极差,老是看重影。常会闹“头儿,对面来了两条船”(当然只有一艘)的笑话。还老是认错人,比如对着桅杆点头哈腰“是,是头儿”。极为忠心,时常想着要保护头儿,可是因为认错人,没一次保护对的。He is cross-eyed and weak-eyed, looks everything as double image. He always makes jokes like "boss, there are two ships coming"--of cause there is only one. And he always mistakes people, like saying..... [更多]
閒聊3分鐘, 勝過口沫橫飛30分鐘! 工作成功與否有九成取決於「閒聊」,目的就是讓對方「想聽我講話」。 有效利用閒聊,一開口就能拉近距離、套好交情,讓人對你說YES!不NG聊天術,讓你輕鬆談出好生意! þ 「問」比「說」更重要 →令人感興趣的提問有助於對話進展 þ 選擇讓對方連續說「Yes」的話題 →使人不自覺贊同你的工作提議 ý 避免常拿自己的「興趣」說嘴 →對方插不上話只會更尷尬 ý 不要每次開口就談「天氣」 →閒聊必須導入主題才不無聊懂得閒聊,才握有職場勝負的關鍵! 作者/Author: 高城幸司(Koji Takagi)出版社/Publisher: 漫遊者出版 [更多]
This invention involves a DNA chip for parallel detection of multiple respiratory viruses, especially involving the technology of combining nucleotide sequences probe complementing with respiratory virus DNA / RNA and genetic chip arraying in form of a matrix with multiplex polymerase chain reaction..... [更多]
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