The present invention discloses a phase lead compensation network, power converters, and closed-loop control system, the phase lead compensation network is provided in the power converter closed-loop control system, the closed loop control system further comprises: power converter and control module..... [更多]
The present invention is a kind of micro-porous spherical crosslinked copolymer ligand rhodium carbonylation of methanol synthesis catalyst. Wherein the copolymer of vinyl pyridine ligand, ethylene glycol diester formed crosslinked copolymer. Use of ligands N, O donor atoms with four rhodium carbony..... [更多]
本项目是以数据建模、实时通信、虚拟现实、应用集成等技术为支撑,开发完成的国内具有自主知识产权的复杂产品虚拟试验支撑平台,主要由试验方案动态生成子系统、试验过程控制子系统、试验过程可视化子系统、试验数据管理子系统、试验数据分析子系统五个子系统构成,在虚拟试验体系构建方法、虚拟试验支撑平台开发、虚拟试验应用系统构建、虚拟试验模型验证和分析方法等方面具有创新。本项目的应用可有效弥补复杂产品小子样实物试验带来的验证局限性,模拟无法在真实条件下进行的系统级虚拟试验验证,在多次实物试验的基础上建立复杂产品虚拟试验模型,为全面考核复杂产品的设计性能提供试验数据和分析手段。本项目突破了多项关键技术,并已形成原..... [更多]
It introduces methods of screening, identifying and isolating HMG-CoAR inhibitors. In particular, said method is useful for screening natural raw products. It also provides potent HMG-CoAR inhibitors for treatment and prevention of diseases and conditions associated with elevated cholesterol and/or ..... [更多]
The invention relates to a method for preparing a mugwort leaf oil microcapsule antibacterial crease-resistant fabric. The method comprises the following steps of: 1) emulsifying mugwort leaf oil in an emulsifying agent made of wall material; 2) performing complex coagulation reaction on the emulsif..... [更多]
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