Peanut Planet is suffering from a severe drought that is affecting the growth of the Bonta cactus plants, which had fed the people for generations. Young Axel has a vision of the legendary Bonta Grove that could save his kind. He sets out on a journey, hitching a ride on the floating boulders of Bla.....
Brand new "Hundred Stars Hotel" is a well-equipped five-star hotel located at Qiandao Lake, Hangzhou.However, this hotel is run by a group of incompetent staff including OK (Ronald Cheng) the Assistant Manager, Pacino (Chapman To) the Chief Bartender, Peach (Sandra Ng) the Head of Housekeeping and S.....
Rev. Ken Ching is a Christian minister and the pastor of the congregation of the church in Singapore with over 10,000 members. Ching is also an illusionist performing stage magic opening up opportunities for his evangelical work. Ching is confident that he serves God well – until his daughter, Phoeb.....
Are you brave enough to know the truth? Don’t reveal it in this paradise.An artist named Jiajia promised to show her girl friend Wei Ling around in Japan but eventually fails to show up for no reason. After Wei Ling goes and gets accommodated in a family-run host spring hotel of Shimizu, Jiajia’s J.....
馬昊天(劉青雲飾)、 蘇建秋(古天樂飾) 和張子偉(張家輝飾)三個從小在屋邨長大嚴如兄弟般的好朋友,三人同為警隊效忠,以天為首的毒品調查科,經過探員子偉和臥底阿秋多年的調查,終於得悉毒販黑柴要進行一批毒品交易。天面臨升職,秋則望能早日復職,與懷了孩子的女友 Chole 團聚。耿直的子偉沒有多大理想,只懂盡心盡力為天效力和好好照顧年邁的母親,雖然天的性格火爆剛烈,經常對子偉呼呼喝喝,但子偉心中只認他是偶像。三人滿懷信心此次行動能順利完成,誰料行動那一刻,上級突然改變計畫,終止行動,還要求天,偉和秋三人繼續放長線捕捉國際毒犯金三角八面佛(盧海鵬飾)!秋第一個崩潰地反對,三兄弟面臨重大的決擇,天和偉.....
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