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Perth (March Chutavuth) is the school’s swimming athlete who has Tan (Tor Thanapob) as both his best friend and longtime rival. As they fall for the same girl, Ice (Kao Supassara), Perth and Tan both try hard to win her over. However, during their audition practice, something frightening happens to ..... [Detail]
七十年代香港,遍地黄金,處處都有生機!為人忠直的宋池雄(黃宗澤飾)遇上狡猾的夏石森(謝天華飾),促使宋找到人生第一份工作,與夏一起到茶樓打工。茶樓老闆(馮淬帆飾)心地善良,伙計騎呢,街坊盞鬼,使茶樓每天都充滿驚喜,人情味和歡樂共冶一爐。唯情關始終擋不過,宋池雄和夏石森同時愛上太子女美洋洋(徐子珊飾),憨直男對戰花靚仔;美洋洋好友朱玉圓(鄭欣宜飾)為人潑辣,揚言男不壞女不愛,只愛夏石森。眾人衝過情關,也難敵時代巨輪,面對股災、移民潮等,宋池雄緊守岡位,捍衛茶樓,與街坊一起渡過難關。現代的宋池雄(譚詠麟飾)人到中年,美洋洋(葉玉卿飾)已為人母,夏石森(陳百祥飾)成為集團老闆,茶樓面對這個年頭的惡勢..... [Detail]
The year is 2026 A.D. Five special police officers including the brave and righteous Captain, Ferre; the sharp-shooter Bluman; the combat expert, Bruno; the fast and swift racer, Maggie and the computer programming prodigy, Astro receive a GSB base request. They form a special action group code-name..... [Detail]
In the depth of a forest that seems so peaceful and quiet two animals are lurking. "Watching out the bears!!!" thus cries the whacked and terrified woodman after taking numerous defeats.Set in an untouched forest, Boonie Bears tells a story of two brave and mighty bears who try to protect their home..... [Detail]
A motley crew of university students set out on a journey in pursuit of a mythical form of hash, confronting a series of encounters that begin to unravel the myriad realities of rebellion. [Detail]
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