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故事主角的三位女孩,寶(周秀娜 Chrissie Chau飾)、嬌(盧頌之 Dada Lo飾)、TT(余曉彤 Hidy Yu飾),分別面對"女人三十"、"爭風吃醋"、"花癡幻想"的人生、友情、愛情等問題,為了可觀報酬踏上征途,遠赴馬來西亞,享盡富貴榮華,原來墮入神秘女子諸葛(童冰玉 Chris Tong飾)的圈套,三人萬萬想不到表面簡單的任務背後竟然藏著重大陰謀,而諸葛也不只是個麻煩的富婆。三女被逼參與血肉拳賽,並發現自己困於一個龐大的地下迷宮之內......在死亡邊緣,她們巧妙使用高跟鞋抗敵,用內衣進擊,憑著女人的智慧,睹破人販子集團,成就一場瘋狂喜劇。 [Detail]
In 17th century Dzungaria, a young warrior princess skilled in archery falls in love with the Tibetan monk Galdan despite being engaged to his brother Senge in a political union. When Senge is murdered, Galdan renounces his life of peace to take his bloody revenge.Under the support of the politicall..... [Detail]
交通警陳國華 (甄子丹飾) ,患上了面部表情缺失症,從此不懂得笑,整日黑口黑面,所以被稱為Cool Sir。一次截查超速駕駛,遞住了穿著婚紗的阿喬 (陳研希飾) 。原來,阿喬因為兩年前的交通意外,令她失憶,只記得以往的零碎片段。阿喬只記得要去找未婚夫Tom,所以經常有點失常地離家出走。阿仔 (柯震東飾) 是竊聽組的探員,因為工作經常默默偷聽,養成內向性格,所以也同時是個超級宅男。阿仔一次在機場執行行動中,勇救了剛從北京來港、盲追名牌的美少女勝男 ( Angelababy 飾) ,但同時也弄壞了她的名牌行李箱。之後,兩人又透過交友App在一百米內相遇。兩人不打不相識,於是兩個無聊的人相約接連七日..... [Detail]
After their round-the-world odyssey, Uncle Wattles and Free Range begin a brand new chapter of their colorful lives in a mysterious martial-arts community- the Salted-Egg Temple. This time Free Range and his fellow trainees shoulder a sacred mission- to protect the legacy of a great Kung Fu Master U..... [Detail]
In a farewell ceremony for a friend of the family, Keening Woman – Cotton (Michelle WAI) acts abnormally because of the Spirit – Ling (Mitsu Hana). Her body and her consciousness are separating. Different memories, consciousnesses, identities and actions are lingering inside Cotton, which collaborat..... [Detail]
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