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《水滸傳》是中國古典四大名著之一,它是一部以傳奇的筆法描寫梁山英雄聚眾起義的故事。故事發生在北宋徽宗時期,以宋江為首的108名好漢在水泊梁山聚義、打家劫舍、殺富濟貧。這108名好漢中,個個都有一段精彩的故事,人人都有一個特徵鮮明的性格,如勇武豪爽的武松、嫉惡如仇的魯智深,憨直魯莽的李逵、剛烈正直的林沖等等。親愛的小讀者,你準備好了嗎?讓我們一起去結識這些英雄人物吧!書後設置豐富的語文練習題、趣味小遊戲,讓小讀者在輕鬆開心玩遊戲的同時鞏固故事內容,提升語文閱讀及寫作的能力!作者/Author: 施耐庵出版社/Publisher: Sun Ya Publications (HK) Ltd [Detail]
Tags: Fiction
Character Licensing [Detail]
这个小姑娘总是粗枝大叶的,爱开玩笑,爱恶作剧,说真的有点调皮捣蛋,年纪幼小让她习惯以自己的喜好做事,不分场合,不分轻重做事总会惹来不大不小的麻烦。但是她又太可爱了,没人能长久对她生气。Roli--careless,active and love to play tricks on others, it’s totally a trouble maker. She is so young that she never think about others, but she is so cute that no one will be angry with her so long. [Detail]
Cyclodextrins (CD) are cyclic glucose polymers with usually six (alpha), seven (beta) or eight (gamma) glucose residues. They are shaped like doughnuts with a hydrophobic cores and hydrophilic exteriors. Hydrophobic residues from drug molecules can sit inside the cavity and form a complex which may..... [Detail]
Cyclodextrins (CD) are cyclic glucose polymers with usually six (alpha), seven (beta) or eight (gamma) glucose residues. They are shaped like doughnuts with a hydrophobic cores and hydrophilic exteriors. Hydrophobic residues from drug molecules can sit inside the cavity and form a complex which may..... [Detail]
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