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Herbal Capsules for Health Wellness

Herbal healthy decoctions and beverage are becoming popular among the urban population to stay healthy in the fast pace of life. However, preparation of such decoctions are time consuming and inconvenient. NAMI has developed state-of-the-art nanotechnology to combine herbal capsule and commercially available coffee capsule machine for brewing of the herbal healthy drinks within a minute. NAMI’s herbal capsules can be customized with different herbal combinations and serving size to fit the formulation requirements for specific healthcare needs.
Technology Benefits
- Traditional herbal decoction ready in 1 minute
- Rich chemical profile comparable to hour-long brewing
- Tailor-made herbal formulation
Technology Application
- Valuable nano-herbal capsule
- Innovative herbal-infused healthy drinks
- Chinese medicine-infused tea

For more information, please click Here
Mobile Device