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ARVI, a protein involved in sterol uptake and sterol homeostasis in the budding yeast, S-cerevisiae, and a functional human ARV

Lead Inventors: Stephen L. SturleyIsolated nucleic acid molecules encoding human and yeast ACAT-Related Enzyme 2 required for viability protein (ARV1p) and the purified forms of the said proteins are described.Method for identifying a chemical compound which is capable of inhibiting or stimulating ACAT-Related Enzyme 2 required for viability protein (ARV1p) is also disclosed. The chemical compound may be incorporated into a pharmaceutical composition to treat a disease where cellular sterol transport or sterol uptakes are defective.
Detailed Technology Description
Isolated nucleic acid molecules encoding human and yeast ACAT-Related Enzyme 2 required for viability protein (ARV1p) and the purified forms of the said proteins are described.Method for identifying a chemical compound which is capable of inhib...
Sara Gusik Columbia Technology Ventures Tel: (212) 854-8444 Email:
*Principal Investigator
*Web Links
Patent number: US20030186879

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