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Delaware Open Area Harness System

Detailed Technology Description
Theinvention is an assistive technology (AT) for users with mobility limitationsdue to cognitive, strength, balance, postural, coordination, or decision-makingimpairments.  The electrical andmechanical device is fixed to the ceiling of a room(s) and provides (0%-100%)body weight support to a user via a harness system attached to a twodimensional (XY) gantry system.   Thesystem allows a range of mobility activities throughout horizontal and verticaldirections including:  sitting, crawling,walking, jumping, climbing, dancing, and sports activities throughout a room,and between rooms.
United States
Application No.
Patent Pending
Denise M. BierleinUniversity of DelawareOffice of Economic Innovation and PartnershipsLicensing AnalystTelephone:  (302) 831-4005Email:
*IP Issue Date
*IP Type

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Mobile Device