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Improved Lead-Based Eutectic Composite

Technology Benefits
Improvedthermoelectric performanceIncreasedmechanical integrity
Detailed Technology Description
Lead-based composite material for conversion of waste heat into electrical energy #energy #materials #thermoelectric #composite #metals

Thermoelectric devices such as power generators, heat pumps, coolers and thermal sensors have several advantages over traditional energy converting systems. These devices are portable, reliable and environmentally friendly. However, their efficiency of energy conversion is low compared to current alternatives and this impedes their widespread use. In order to increase energy conversion efficiency, new materials with advantageous thermoelectric properties must be generated. The Kanatzidis group at Northwestern University has invented a new class of thermoelectric composite materials, which display very high conversion efficiencies. To design these materials, researchers inserted nano- and micro-structured islands of PbSnS2 into the lead-telluride bulk material. The resulting composites display extremely high-energy conversion efficiencies and are mechanically stronger then the starting materials. Therefore, these novel lead-based eutectic composites may find uses outside of energy conversion devices. 

Mercouri G. Kanatzidis*Joseph R. SootsmanSteven N. GirardQichun ZhangKaniska Biswas
Sootsman JR, Kong H, UherC, Wu C-I, Hogan TP, Caillat T, Kanatzidis MG (2008). Large Enhancemens in theThermoelectric Power Factor of Bult PbTe at High Temperature by SynergisticNanostructuring,  Angew. Chem.47: 8618-8622.Biswas K, He J, Zhang Q, WangG, Uher C, Dravid VP, Kanatzidis MG (2011). Strained Endotaxial Nanostructures withHigh Thermoelectric Figure of Merit, Nat.Chem. 3: 160-166.

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