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Steuben Parade

We offer our premium German trademark Steuben Parade for sale, with almost 100% recollection value among the target group of consumers and businesses.

In the USA, von Steuben Day is a holiday traditionally held on a weekend in mid-September (von Steuben was born September 17), celebrating Baron Friedrich von Steuben. He arrived in the United States as a volunteer offering his services to General George Washington.

Von Steuben Day is generally considered the German-American event of the year and since 30 % of Americans have German roots, the events attract huge crowds from all over the globe.

Participants - mostly thousands of Germans, including German music and marching bands and German clubs travelling to the USA just for this occasion - march, dance, and play music.

While Steuben Day is celebrated in many cities all across the United States, the largest crowds gather in New York City. Every year on the third Saturday in September, German-Americans celebrate the Annual Steuben Parade on Fifth Avenue and an Oktoberfest-style beer fest complete with food and live music in Central Park.
Detailed Technology Description
Our German trademark (word mark) Steuben Parade covers the Nice classification classes 16, 39, 41 and 43 with most products and services such as (class 16) paper products of all kinds, (class 39) most travel and tourism related services, (class 41) events and related services, and (class 43) rental and other tourism related services.

Coverage Areas
Our German trademark (word mark) Steuben Parade covers the Nice classification classes 16, 39, 41 and 43 with most products and services such as (class 16) paper products of all kinds, (class 39) most travel and tourism related services, (class 41) events and related services, and (class 43) rental and other tourism related services.

Imagine the earnings potential for your company to have a readily recognized brand name with almost 100% recollection value among the target group of consumers (German clubs, travel agencies and related businesses), available for licensing.

Goods and Services
(class 16) paper products of all kinds

(class 39) most travel and tourism related services

(class 41) events and related services

(class 43) rental and other tourism related services
Imagine the earnings potential for your company to have a readily recognized brand name with almost 100% recollection value among the target group of consumers (German clubs, travel agencies and related businesses), available for licensing.

For more information, please click Here
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