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Water collection bowl

Water collection tub is a cross between a bowl and a pitcher.

The invention relates to a tub/bowl for storing water.

The tub is made of plastic/rubber material bendable by hand, The tub includes two holes suitable for handles, which are formed by cutouts in the tub mutual sides near the upper free edge of the tub.The bowl/tub can be produced in varying sizes (height about 10-35cm) which can be put down in, for example, the kitchen sink for collecting running water.

Technology Benefits
Potential is expected that the product can be sold to 10 per cent. of Danish households, which on average has a bowl that can be replaced every eighteen months.This gives an expected steady revenue of 300,000 households x 6 Put receptacle x 66% annual replacement x 12 kr. Eg VAT =

14.4 million. kr. excl. VAT. and a profit of 12 million. kr. before tax. If the patent is secured globally applied globally or Europe expected huge annual turnover.
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