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Biocompatible Adhesive with Improved Adhesion (Yissum)

Adhesive skin patches are used for a wide variety of purposes.
Their main disadvantages are that they may be too adhesive (difficult to remove, not adhesive enough and fall off without being noticed (contraceptive patches), and they can cause irritation.
If they are too adhesive, residues may be left on the skin after removal.
New proprietary adhesive has improved material-skin adhesion and biocompatibility.
The adhesives can be applied under different pH conditions.
After the adhesive is removed, no remains are left on the skin, providing a good solution for both drug delivery and for other ingredients, such as essential oils, and for cosmetic purposes.
Improved control of composition, adhesiveness, and elasticity
The adhesive materials accommodate themselves to the skin structure and improved compatibility is achieved due to creeping of the material into skin crevices. The improved surface contact leads to better adhesiveness and better drug delivery.
High manufacturability, entailing flexible pricing strategy
All exudates from the same, or a botanically similar, family are generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and are FDA approved
Technology Benefits
Transdermal patches are used for drug delivery and treatment against warts by diffusion of salicylic acid from the patch, as well as cessation of smoking and contraception
Non-medicated uses include thermal and cold patches, weight loss patches, nutrient patches, skin care patches (therapeutic and cosmetic), aroma patches, patches that measure sunlight exposure, and aromatherapy by inclusion of essential oils into the adhesive materials
Wound treatment
Improved adhesive patches for ECG and other procedures
Attachment of microelectronics for medical sensing, computer gaming, and surveillance operations
Technology Application
Developing variety of adhesive materials with controlled composition and adhesiveness
Scientific expertise - Know-How
ID No.

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