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Logic electrolytic cell control program, which will be used to increase the efficiency of management process and maximize TEP work electrolyzers.
Technology Benefits
A control logic program increases the number of monitored parameters of operation of the cell, quickly choose their optimal value, and supports a maximum period of time for maximum TEP.
Technology Application
This invention refers to aluminum metallurgy, specifically, the method of producing aluminum by molten salts reduction.
Detailed Technology Description
On the resistance of the electrolizer is measured voltage drop and the current series. Produce calculation error of the heating power of the set value and determine the dynamic parameters of operation of the electrolizer. Based on dynamic parameters comprehensively assess the technological state of the electrolizer and choose the optimal value, which supports a maximum period of time by moving the anode and control of spontaneous changes in the voltage drop across the electrolizer. Increase the time optimal operation of the electrolizer to maximize the production of aluminum and minimum power consumption.
Application Date
Application No.
ЕА 201500799
Patent Information
This method consists in measuring the resistive voltage drop in the reduction cell, comparison of the measured value with the set voltage drop value in the reduction cell and elimination of the mismatch by the relevant anode displacement. The anode displacement reduces the mismatch between the heating power and the set value until the minimum power is released in the reduction cell. Release of the minimum power is determined by the spontaneous growth of the electrochemical component of the reduction cell voltage, this mismatch is maintained with the relevant anode displacement without any variations in the thermal state of the reduction cell.The invention enables to reduce the electric power consumption, enhance the current metal yield and reduce the labor intensity of reduction cell maintenance.
ID No.
RU 2202004

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