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Tinnitus Game

Treatment for tinnitus through auditory games
Technology Benefits
Simple & effective treatment for tinnitus; customisable, unique and interactive leading to higher rates of compliance; game format allows independent management
Technology Application
Treatment of tinnitus
Application Date
Application No.
Tinnitus is a common result of hearing loss, and currently there
are no effective treatments for the condition. Audiology researchers
at The University of Auckland is developing video games
that can train patients to improve their hearing. The simple auditory games are customised to the individual’s condition. The four training applications work to exercise and improve sound categorisation, discrimination and localisation. In the games, correct navigation is directed through auditory cues – responding to “good” sounds is positively rewarded, and responding to “bad” sounds is negatively rewarded. The listening tasks become progressively harder as the game continues. Over time, players are trained to not hear their tinnitus. Initial tests have shown significant auditory improvement.
ID No.
New Zealand

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